Unlike your regular descendant, which relates to the types of activities, places, and other people you're drawn to, the vertex (aka an auxiliary descendant) relates to those particular outside elements that we may attract to ourselves without even being aware of it. And that's why fascination with the vertex centers around its connection to destiny, or life occurrences we can’t control. “The vertex is considered one of those points in our charts signaling events that happen to us through no effort or will of our own,” says Marmanides. 'The vertex is considered one of those points in our charts signaling events that happen to us through no effort or will of our own.' -astrologer Maria Sofia Marmanides “It’s the other person, or the kind of people whom you attract, and their relationships to you, as well as their resources.” Because the vertex acts as a secondary descendant within that right-side hemisphere of the chart, it follows that events triggered by it are related to forces outside of ourselves, she adds. Some notes about this birth chart calculator: Its best not to guess your birth time since certain positions (Ascendant, Midheaven, Vertex, the Part of.
“If the ascendant is you, the descendant is just the opposite,” says Marmanides.